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Ben's Story

2/28/23, 10:00 PM


Ben was a beautiful person inside and out and was loved by many. What people do not understand is that Ben’s true struggle was his attempt to hide the pain he felt inside and his fight to measure up to others which opened the door to addiction.

The world had beaten Ben up both emotionally and physically through ignorant parenting and an absent father. These emotional hardships left Ben with little self-worth which resulted in painful feelings of rejection, worthlessness, and abandonment.

Ben’s personality was bigger than life and he was full of love and forgiveness. Ben was extremely charismatic and could carry an intelligent sincere conversation with anyone from CEO to a homeless person on the street. Ben was respectful towards everyone which made him so special. A true gift from the Lord. He was loving, caring, funny, driven, athletic, loyal, hardworking, and selfless.

When Ben was doing well, he would always put the needs of others first helping in any way he could such as food, money, ride, or warm clothes to wear. He genuinely cared about people especially to those who struggled with addiction.

Ben was a believer in Jesus Christ and knew Jesus as a child but had a tough time believing that God would ever forgive someone like him as an adult. Driven by the will to survive, Ben fought his demons hard, but they were like a monkey on his back. Relentless! After years of suffering he eventually lost hope.

Benjamin Davis died November 2, 2019, at the age of thirty from an overdose to heroin. It was one of the most painful experiences that a mother could ever endure. Benjamin was born to his mother at the early age of eighteen and she named him with utmost care choosing the name “Benjamin” because it meant “Son of her right hand."

Ben is survived by his beautiful daughter, Nova, who is the love of his life now and forever even in heaven. Ben’s little offspring brings great joy to Ben’s family that he is not forever gone but shows up in the smile and caring personality of his daughter. Thank you, Jesus!

The Red House of Hope ministry offers families, like Ben’s, the support they need to help them get through the tough times when it feels like there is no hope left. Hardship comes in many forms and the world is cruel and does not have any prejudices, Jesus came to save those who were lost, and the Red House of Hope ministry walks in Jesus’s teachings and word offering hope to those who are lost and need support. I encourage people spread the word and help the lost and hurting.

Ben's Story

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